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发布日期:2021-06-24    作者:     来源:    





聚焦室内环境与健康领域,在基于大数据的住宅室内污染暴露健康效应定量评价、室内污染新型控制技术研发和成效评估等方面积累了较扎实的研究基础和成果,迄今在Lancet, Environment International, Indoor Air和《科学通报》等知名期刊上发表近60篇学术论文。主持中国“博士后国际交流计划”学术交流项目和中国博士后科学基金面上资助等省部级项目3项。以研究骨干身份参与2项科技部“十三五”重点研发计划课题和2项国家自然科学基金项目。申请专利3项。




国际室内空气品质和气候学会(ISIAQ)会员、国际暴露科学学会(ISES)会员、中国环境科学学会室内环境与健康分会大数据方法处理组副组长;Environment International、Science of the Total Environment、Building and Environment和《科学通报》等期刊审稿人。


2019.11-2021.12重庆市全职博士后出站留(来)渝资助(191901283).重庆市城区住宅室内甲醛长期暴露评估和疾病负担归因分析. 15万.在研,主持.

2018.04-2019.09中国博士后科学基金面上资助(2018M631477).城市住宅室内甲醛长期暴露评估和疾病负担归因研究. 5万.在研,主持.

2020.01-2023.12国家自然科学基金面上项目(51976106).室内空气质量优化控制的反问题-变分分析法. 62万.主研(排名:2/7).

2017.07-2020.12国家“十三五”重点研发计划(2017YFC0702701).建筑室内主要空气污染物清单及其健康影响机理研究. 623万.在研,主研(15/30).

2017.07-2020.12国家“十三五”重点研发计划(2017YFC0702702).建筑室内空气质量控制机理及效果评价方法研究. 523万.在研,主研(7/15).

2018.01-2020.12国家自然科学基金青年项目(51708347).住宅室内邻苯二甲酸酯暴露特性及其儿童健康风险研究. 22万.主研(排名:6/7).

2014.12-2016.12上海市教委重点项目(14ZZ132).典型住宅室内空气品质与儿童哮喘和过敏症的关联研究. 16万.结题,主研(3/7).




1.Wei Liu, Jing Huang, Yan Lin, Chaorui Cai, Yan Zhao, Yanbo Teng, Jinhan Mo, Lijun Xue, Li Liu, Wei Xu, Xinbiao Guo, Yinping Zhang*, Jim Zhang*. Negative Ions Offset Cardiorespiratory Benefits of PM2.5 Reduction from Residential Use of Negative Ion Air Purifiers. Indoor Air, 2021, 31: 220-228. (IF: 4.739;中科院SCI二区; Top期刊).

2.Wei Liu, Jiao Cai, Chen Huang, Jing Chang*. Residence proximity to traffic-related facilities is associated with childhood asthma and rhinitis in Shandong, China. Environment International, 2020, 143: 105930. (IF: 7.577;中科院SCI一区; Top期刊).

3.Wei Liu, Chen Huang*, Jiao Cai, Qingyan Fu, Zhijun Zou, Chanjuan Sun, Jialing Zhang. Prenatal and postnatal exposures to ambient air pollutants associated with allergies and airway diseases in childhood: A retrospective observational study. EnvironmentInternational, 2020, 142: 105853. (IF: 7.577;中科院SCI一区; Top期刊).

4.Wei Liu, Jiao Cai, Qingyan Fu, Zhijun Zou, Chanjuan Sun, Jialing Zhang, Chen Huang. Associations of ambient air pollutants with airway and allergic symptoms in 13,335 preschoolers in Shanghai, China. Chemosphere, 2020, 252: 126600. (IF: 5.778;中科院SCI二区, Top期刊).

5.Wei Liu, Jiao Cai, Chen Huang*, Zhijun Zou, Chanjuan Sun, Baizhan Li. Family and building characteristics in relation to levels of bed dust mites in 453 beddings of Shanghai children. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2020, 54: 102007. (IF: 5.268;中科院SCI二区)

6.Wei Liu, Zijian He, Wanyue Chen, Chunhui Li, Haidong Kan, Louise B. Weschler, Li Bai, Yinping Zhang. Birth Month is Associated with Learning Capacity in Childhood in Northeast China. Indoor Air, 2020, 30: 31-39. (IF: 4.739;中科院SCI二区; Top期刊)

7.Wei Liu, Chen Huang, Baizhan Li, Zhuohui Zhao, Xu Yang, Qihong Deng, Xin Zhang, Hua Qian, Yuexia Sun, Fang Qu, Lifang Wang, Zhijing Lin, Chan Lu, Han Wang, Juan Wang, Jialing Zhang, Chanjuan Sun, Jinhan Mo, Louise B. Weschler, Dan Norbäck, Jan Sundell,Yinping Zhang. Household Renovation Before and During Pregnancy in Relation to Preterm Birth and Low Birth Weight in China. Indoor Air, 2019, 29: 202-214. (IF: 4.739;中科院SCI二区; Top期刊)

8.Wei Liu, Chen Huang, Jiao Cai, Xueying Wang, Zhijun Zou, Chanjuan Sun. Household environmental exposures during gestation and birth outcomes: A cross-sectional study in Shanghai, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 615: 1110-1118. (IF: 6.551; 中科院SCI一区; Top期刊)

9.Chen Huang,Wei Liu*, Jiao Cai, Xueying Wang, Zhijun Zou, Chanjuan Sun. Household formaldehyde exposure and its associations with dwelling characteristics, lifestyle behaviours, and childhood health outcomes in Shanghai, China. Building and Environment, 2017, 125: 143-152. (IF: 4.539;中科院SCI一区; Top期刊)

10.Jing Chang,Wei Liu*, Yu Hu, Zhijun Zou, Li Shen, Xueying Wang, Jiao Cai, Chanjuan Sun, Chen Huang*. Associations between traffic near residence and childhood allergies and airway diseases as modified by bedroom floor and household ventilation. Building and Environment, 2017, 114: 56-67. (IF: 4.539;中科院SCI一区; Top期刊)

11. GBD 2019 Tobacco Collaborators. Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of smoking tobacco use and attributable disease burden in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(21)01169-7. (IF: 60.392;中科院SCI一区;健康领域顶级期刊)

12. GBD 2019 Chewing Tobacco Collaborators. Spatial, temporal, and demographic patterns in prevalence of chewing tobacco use in 204 countries and territories, 1990-2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Public Health, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/S2468-2667(21)00065-7. (IF: 16.292;中科院SCI一区;公共卫生领域顶级期刊).


